Sasha Thompson - Q2: How effective is the combination of our main product and the ancillary texts?
The artists image is all promoted
through the use of BRANDING. The importance of the main product is shown
through-out, highlighting the artist as the singer. The branding of our logo is
emphasised within our Music Video. The logo promotes our production company as
is easy and simple to remember. SmartiePants Productions logo involves a pair
of shorts that have Smarties on them.
Through-out the production making
stage we did come across a few problems that moved us a step behind other
production groups. When filming we had problems with the actors and the
equipment. Actors turned up late or with missing items of their costumes and
considering we provided most of the costumes, they didn't have much
responsibility and they still didn't managed to do as they were politely asked,
we were very put out by the behaviour of them. Another problem that occurred
was at the editing stage of the production process. We found
that we didn't have enough footage to start with and had to go back a do some
more filming. Another problem that occurred was that the singers footage was
too dark, looking at the Rough Cuts you can see that we have changed the lip
syncing footage and change the location of the footage as well. This
new location gave more natural lighting and really highlights the singers face
and actions, it also makes the overall video look more professional and
filming we found that the camera was left recording and this played to our
advantage and we used this footage in high speed to match the rest of the video
and gave a more realistic effect to the narrative of our music video. Another
section that wasn't planned but a moment of pure silliness, was that of the
swivel chair. Our actors thought it to be funny to play with a swivel
chair they had found and finding this funny we thought it would be a good idea
to film this and found the idea amusing. Personally I was very amused and felt
it would be a good idea to put this in our video. So we did.
When planning
our music video we had a lot of organisation to do and it was all written on
paper. This made it more difficult to find and hard to read. We created a blog
and this blog helped us organise ourselves so that everything was easy to find
and easy to read. On this blog we have put all the planning up, we also thought
it would be a good idea to add things like inspiration us on the blog. Through
this blog we could keep everyone in our group updated with the progress made so
far, for example our Rough Cuts. We could put up what we had done so far so
that everyone could see what stage we were at. Blogger has made everything for
us so much easier and got us more organised as a group.
Goodwin's 6 point analysis theory also comes into the planning of our products.
One of his theory's say that most music videos have a lot of promotion for the
artist through-out music videos, magazine adverts and CD album covers etc... We
took this into consideration and decided that we were going to promote the
artist and his band through-out our product making. This again shows the importance
of Branding.
Our Digi Pack
and magazine advert, follow a colour scheme of bright colours that stand out.
We went for the "groovy" look on our Digi Pack and the album cover.
These make the products stand out. If it was put on in stores we wanted it to
be seen and draw the buyers in, by making thee colours bright and 'funky' this
would catch the eye of the shopper and increase our chances of a sale. Our Music Video, Digi pack and magazine advert used a few different pieces of technology
such as: Final Cut Express; YouTube; PhotoShop; Green Screens; a Camera and Tri-pod.
These aided us in the making of our products.
But the
question is, how effect is the combination of our main product and the
ancillary texts? Well, we showed our products to a small audience and asked for
their honest opinion. We had 9 out of 10 people say that they loved the main
product and found the music video to be fun and full of energy. There was 8 out
of 10 people that said the Digi Pack and magazine advert worked very well at
catching their eyes and also like the colour scheme. They though it appropriate
for the style of our main product. The one thing a few people did say was that
the picture on the magazine didn't really fit in but it wasn't a huge issue. (PICTURE)
After a group deliberation about the photo we decided to change it around slightly. Furthermore, all
our branding play an important role in the promotion of our music video and ancillary
texts and highlight out production company to the viewing audience.
Check out my amazing webiste :)!question-2
Sasha Thompson
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