Sunday 1 April 2012

Evaluation - Question 3

Sasha Thompson - Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback? 

Our target audience was aimed at the teenagers that enjoyed comedy. The age gap was between 13 to about 20. As teenagers are the largest age group that go to cinemas and watch the most amount of TV, we thought that it would be a good idea to make our target audience a large audience. Elements that we incorporated into our music video include the element of comedic effect, we thought that this would appeal to our target audience as that's what would appeal to us as a group. We are hoping to have a large viewing audience that want to watch our film (Pull audience) and not an audience that are force to watch it (Push audience).
To appeal to our audience we had to make sure all the conventions of comedy were present in our video. We had to make sure our camera movements/frames were correct, also costume and Mise-en-scene was important. You can't have a comedy without the wired and wonderful costumes. Our costumes were defiantly wired. We had Clowns; Baby's; Army Cadets; Michael Jackson and many more. All these costumes contributed to our music video and made it appeal more to the viewing audience.
Our audience feedback was one of the most important aspects to creating our music video. When we received our first piece of audience feedback, we used the information and changed bits within our video. Our first piece of audience feedback was when we created our Pitch. This pitch was full of the ideas that our group had come up with to have in our music video. Here is some of the clips that were talked about in our Pitch:

Most people thought that the idea of the auditions being made funny was a good idea along with the high speed of the music video. However we thought of an idea that we would make people pose in cardboard cut-outs of different people like Audrey Hepburn or James Dean, and we also thought that a girl could pose as a boy and a boy to pose as a girl. People thought that this wasn’t a very good idea and would just look rather odd as they are something that involves standing still. We took this into consideration and decided it would be a good Idea not to go ahead with that.
When receiving my audience feedback it all mostly said the same thing. Everyone liked the idea of auditions and having the film at high speed as it gave it a more comical effect. They were also very intrigued by our use of props. We had a cardboard cut-out of our logo and on the other side a picture drawn of a TV. They thought this to be cleaver as it makes a visual match with the idea that ‘Everybody wants to be on TV’. The idea of having our logo on the other side was to promote our brand and also created a nice idea to flip the cardboard in high speed and again create more interesting footage for our viewing audience.
Other products that we created to promote our music video also had some audience feedback, one type of feedback we used was just within our group. We looked at everything and pointed out what we liked and what we thought needed changing. We all had a fair amount of input when it can to our video, editing and our promotional products like the Digi pack and the magazine advert. When we created these we wanted them to match our video style. We wanted them to be colourful and stand out in the shop. The colours we chose were bright and aluminous colours like pink and orange and blue and yellow, these colours worked well in attracting audiences  When receiving feedback from others on these, they said they liked the idea of the bright colours and it attracted them to look at the covers to see what it was all about.  Our magazine advert was a little tricky to create. We had to get a picture of the band and place it on the magazine advert to promote our artists just like Andrew Goodwin's 6 point analysis tells you that it creates a good product and more audiences by promoting the artist within the product. The picture was taken in front of a green screen which allowed us to play with the pictures background and create whatever we wanted to go there. The font was also something we had trouble with. We had to use lots of different fonts before we found the one we thought looked the best
I feel our music video would have a fighting chance out on the market and grab the attention of the audience. As our magazine advert and Digi pack are so colourful and stand out people would be drawn to the product and want to know more. Our music video is very funny and energetic all the way through and I feel that our target audience would love this type of genre within a music video.

Sasha Thompson

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