Friday, 27 January 2012
Edit of Famous with what footage we have so far
This is our second edit of famous with the footage we have already, the gaps left shall be filled with what we have left to film. In some of these gaps we have put text as to remind us what needs to go in where so when it comes to adding the new footage to the timeline it will allow us to edit in a more efficient manner.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Very rough cut of famous...
This is our first rough cut of famous and although does not contain an entire edited version of the song it conveys the basics of our music video. The idea of the levels of comic effect we wanted our video to show are then reflected in this cut. We are using final cut express to compose our images in a manner which allows for the greatest comic effect we find we can muster, hence the use of speed changes in the video, a part which our video largely dwells upon. We also intend to make some use of text and other images in our music video to highlight characters and stereotypes, particularly that of the judges.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Album Cover Progression
Using the paint bucket tool, we coloured the glass black. We then used the blur tool to blur the inner edges of the frame of the glasses. This allowed it to look more realistic and also blended in the two materials together as if they were one piece.
Everybody Wants To Be On TV
Above is an image of the album 'Everybody Wants To be on TV' and also the CD that is present inside the album. The cover consists of primary colours such as blue, red, white, black and also the colour yellow. These colours are bright and connote cheesy and fun which are the key themes of pop music. The title of the band is in bold, simple font with a white font colour which contrasts heavily with the blue background to enable the name of the band to stand out. There is an image of an old-fashioned TV with a curvy blonde 80's female on the TV who is dressed in red. This signifies the album title 'Everybody Wants To be on TV' and shows the literal significance of the phrase. Below the cover a track list as this information is key to enable the audience to make an informed decision on whether to purchase the album or not.
Scouting for Girls Poster & Album
Above is photographs of Scouting For Girls poster which promotes the album, the front cover of the album and also the back cover. One can decipher that there is a consistent theme of different shades of cream. The font colour is a dark beige which is the same tone as the image of a rowing boat. The purpose of the boat is that it seems the passengers inside are 'scouting for girls'; as if they are fishing to find girls in the sea. The background seems as if it has a tea-stained effect to create an old-fashioned touch. The poster consists of the conventions of an album poster as it holds information about the album name, reviews from know music associates, two hit singles and also the release date of the album. The front cover is minimulistic and immediately draws the attention of the audience too either the name of the album, or the image. The back cover consists of the general conventions as a barcode is present so the item can be scanned into system at a supermarket. A spine is also present down the side of the cover so that when the album is positioned sideways on the shelf, people can easily read the names of the album rather than taking it out to find out. There is also music companies and music associates at the bottom of the album which is another convention of the back cover of an album.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Title Inspiration
This is an original font I found on a poster promoting Scouting For Girls. I liked the contrast of italics, normal and bold hence why I decided to create my own version which is shown below:
I made this title on the website 'CreateText'.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Comparison of The Saturdays' album covers
The Saturdays album covers
are the album covers of that the pop girl band ‘The Saturdays’ have released. Here are the similarities between their
own albums:
- · Band name text- the band name has been written in the same font and style throughout all the covers which becomes an iconic style for them and allows the target audience to instantly identify.
- · There is a common concept of using bright colours.
- · There is a common theme between the girls, be that the make-up, clothes or even style of posing.
- · In all the album covers, they seem to be making the main attention-drawer their bodies. This is done by their style of posing, which accentuate their long legs. This is done to portray them in an idolistic way, so their demographics (young females) look up to them and aspire to be like them.
- · Even though their demographics are young females, they still have a sex appeal to the male audience. LAURA MULVEY argues that this voyeurism involves turning the represented figure itself into a fetish (object) so that it becomes increasingly beautiful but more objectified. Fetishistic looking, she suggests, leads to the cult of the female celebrity, celebrated for her looks but considered as an object and often treated as such.
- · Male stars are active, dynamic and not always conventionally attractive. Female stars, on the other hand, must be glamorous and attractive. Therefore, they are seen as ‘eye-candy’ to appease the male gaze of the male audience. Moreover, even though their main demographics are young females, they dress and illustrate themselves in a manner that will attract the male gender towards them as well. This helps to increase their awareness and widen their audience.
- · DAVID GAUNTLETT argues that in contemporary society, gender roles are more complex and that the media reflect this. He points out that female role models today are often glamorous as well as successful in a way that previously they were not. He states that much of this is due to the rise of ‘girl power’ and ‘women independency’ in the media, through identities constructed by music artists such as DESTINY’S CHILD and THE SATURDAYS. However, The Saturdays are a recent establishment. This is as well as contemporary actresses, for example, who are demanding less passive film roles. He argues that our expectations of gender are flexible and culturally dependent, therefore will continue to change.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Inspiration for Poster
I like the concept of embedding silhouettes in our film poster as it looks professional and creates mystery. Unfortunately we cannot use these images as the criteria for our coursework states that the images within the poster has to be self made to avoid copyright. As it is silhouettes, it will be easy for me to draw and I am able to trace the outlines and colour it in with black feltip or coloured feltips depending on the colour scheme.
Inspiration for Poster & Album Cover
For our poster, an idea we had was to use live images we took during the production of our music video. We took many pictures and we had to look through all the images taken to select the best tree that we could possibly use to promote the band. We also decided to only have the band members in the photo rather than all the characters that were in our music video. The purpose of this was to allow the attention to be focused upon the band members to enable a relationship to form between the viewers and the band.
We also wish to use these images for our album cover. This is to enhance on the branding element and to accentuate their identity in the public eye.
Monday, 2 January 2012
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