Tuesday 17 January 2012

Everybody Wants To Be On TV

Above is an image of the album 'Everybody Wants To be on TV' and also the CD that is present inside the album. The cover consists of primary colours such as blue, red, white, black and also the colour yellow. These colours are bright and connote cheesy and fun which are the key themes of pop music. The title of the band is in bold, simple font with a white font colour which contrasts heavily with the blue background to enable the name of the band to stand out. There is an image of an old-fashioned TV with a curvy blonde 80's female on the TV who is dressed in red. This signifies the album title 'Everybody Wants To be on TV' and shows the literal significance of the phrase. Below the cover a track list as this information is key to enable the audience to make an informed decision on whether to purchase the album or not. 

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