Friday 4 May 2012

Personal view on our group...

What did I struggle on?
I struggled at first with the timings. The lip syncing especially, this was very hard as we put this footage in last due to all the re-filming we had to do. This meant that when it came to putting footage in we had to move a few of the other clips around to fit them in correctly and make sure they are perfect. 

What skills I learn?
I learnt skills that i will most likely use a lot later in life as i want to be involved in Media somehow in the future. Some of these skills include: the
- Speed play; 
- Reversing clips; 
- Cutting clips shorter; 
- Making clips longer; 
- Split screens; 
- Using markers; 
- Lots of different short cuts
- Video transitions 
- Effects 
And much more 

How I felt our group worked together?
Throughout the production process, personally i feel that our group worked very well together and communicated with each other like mature and responsible adults. At first we didn't really know each other and i feel that we had a very professional relationship more than a personal friendship although i like to think that working together has made us become friends and i am very pleased with the way our products turned out. Overall i feel that we got everything done efficiently and mostly on time. We did struggle with timings a bit with the magazine advert and album cover but in the end we managed to pull it together and we finished it and in my view it looks amazing! A big well done to the people that had that role and a big well done to the editors  and everyone that was involved in our filming. Everyone had an equal role and everyone helped in every way possible which helped us to get to the high standard we are at now. 

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