Sunday 1 April 2012

Hayley Cook - Evaluation: Question 2

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
An artist’s image is a large elemental factor of their branding. This then highlights the importance of branding within our main product, the music video, and the way in which Scouting For Girls are conveyed throughout.
The Band members are conveyed in a way which commonly appeals to the masses, and so conform to typical generic conventions of pop music. This aspect was reflected in their style of dress, as none delve into characteristics of specific stereotypes, and all act in a similar way to create sense of humour and appeal. This can then be seen as an element which allows for an ease of reach for viewers as they are not off put by overpowering characters, reflecting the idea of popular appeal.
Amusing and humorous aspects of our video, such as the band members entertaining themselves with a swivel chair, are used as a means of conveying our band in a positive light. Some aspects can perhaps be viewed as troublesome but to our target audience it allows for them to gain an almost refreshing views of others their age, contrasting with the vast negativity in the buzz around young people at present.  
These perhaps troublesome attributes are not, however, discarded as such due to the largely humorous aspects within the music video. The context of this then allows perhaps queried issues, the fighting elements and the constant need for fame, to become light hearted and then hold no real issue upon its target audience, nor its image.
Similarly to this, the notion that the band are of a similar age to the target market allows for them to easily relate to the video and the characters within. Amusing and entertaining qualities have then risen to greater levels and so would likely hold a larger appeal for teens and young adults.
The idea of band being applauded at the end of the video allows for the notion that they possess qualities of good musicians and can carry out the act on a good level. This then promotes an image of good music and a generically positive image for the band and so their skills and artistic talents can be noticed by viewers as well as the appeal of the music video. This is as the music video simply acts as a promotion for the audio selection.  

This image is then reflected throughout our ancillary texts, highlighting a sense of unity within the band and the positive image to which they possess. Within these products it was then found to convey the band members in a light which would allow for appeal for their intended audience as well as to create definitive links with our main music video product. The Digi Pak makes use of a combination of colouring and stylistic techniques to reflect elements present within our music video. For example the inclusion of the bold colouring in each pane creates a similar sense of energy to that depicted in the high speed elements of our music video. Such techniques then also create popular appeal for the mass market to which it is aimed at. Other elements of the Digi Pak such as the use of the TV to exhibit the song titles on the back cover mirrors the use of the cardboard flip in the music video, reflecting the notion of these links betwwen the texts. The use of the sunglasses present upon the front cover create a sense of appeal for young audiences as they convey a sense of trend about the band. This is reflected in the stop motion aspect of the video as the some of the band members are in sunglasses. 

The concept of branding also holds a strong role in the importance of our promotional methods. The images of the band used in these were then incorporated to conform to typical conventions commonly found upon other such pieces of the pop/boy band genre. By including pictures of the band it allows for audiences and fans to understand the dynamics of them, and so perhaps finding them more appealing. These images gave them a natural look

Once more the colouring of said promotional methods are used to be bright, bold and eye catching, thus indicating the want of audience and consumer attention in the hope of them gaining awareness of the band and their musical explorations. These were liked by a small audience to which we show cased our work. Eight of ten people also expressed that both the magazine advertisement and Digi Pak ideas worked well together and would likely be successful pormotional tools.


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