Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Mini Questionnaire

We carried out a mini questionnaire involving 10 randomly selected people. They were randomly selected through a hat which contained 40 people who would potentially be our demographics. This will allow us to gain further knowledge for our production process.
Once I had received all the results, I added them all up and found out the mean score for each question's answer. The questionnaire was not multiple choice as I did not want to limit the answers.

The Questions:

1) Where would you most likely find out about a new song and music video? - On the internet - social network sites.

This will give us knowledge of where to advertise and music video. Since it is social networks, we will be able to respond in this positively as it will be either very cheap or even free to do.

2) When you watch music videos, what do you prefer them to be/have - conceptual, narrative or/and performance? - Narrative and performance.

This will enable us to produce our music video according to their needs, therefore, we will now try to make sure it is highly narrative and includes some performance.

3) Are you only notified about a song once you have witnessed the music video? - Yes.

This reminds us of how crucial music videos are to our audience.

4)  Are you fond of complex music videos? - No, music videos which explain the concept clearly and vividly are more enjoyable and mind-relaxing to watch.

We wish to be as market orientated as possible, thus, ensuring our product is not too mind boggling and has parallel visuals to the lyrics to make it lucid.

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