Friday, 16 December 2011

Filming on Thursday the 15th of December

On Thursday, our group filmed the rest of the sequences needed for our music video. The location of our sequences was in our schools gym:

We organised to film 3 main extracts of our music video. The first extract we filmed was 'the poses'. This consisted of the judges posing to their stereotypical representations i.e. the chav pouting, the rocker head banging, the gorilla growling and the mad scientist looking geeky. To ensure that we could film it all effectively, we decided to discretely tape positions on the floor to enable the judges to walk into the frame, pose and then walk out of the frame. Firstly, we had the 4 judge’s queue up behind a white line in the gym. Each judge then had to walk across to the green line which was at the centre of the frame; as directly opposite this was where we had situated the camera. The judge then posed into the camera. After this the judge had to walk onto the yellow line which captured the judge walking out of the frame. Then as the existing judge reached this point, the next judge would walk into the frame and repeat the same process. The judges would then run around the back of the camera and replicate the shot with a different pose.

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