Saturday, 29 October 2011

Meeting 7

As a group we analysed and discussed the results of the questionnaire that we handed out to the audience during our pitch.
We found that overall many people believed that we have many good ideas and we have embedded the genre conventions of comedy and pop effectively. However some individuals suggested that 'less is more' and our video can be just as effective without too complicated and intricate ideas.
The most favourable extract of our music video was the 'Dream Sequence' and  the idea that we were including Audrey Hepburn, Bette Davis and James Dean look alikes. Our logo of pants made of Smarties sweets was greatly approved as well as the technique of stop motion which will be used towards the end of our music video.
Everyone in our audience believed our music video of 'Famous' by Scouting for Girls fall under the genre of Pop. This is a good sign as it suggests that our ideas and techniques incorporate the conventions of the pop genre and it is apparent to the audience what the genre of the extract is.
The audience also managed to estimate our demographic of being teenagers which is what we set out to achieve. Ages ranged from 13 years old to 17 years old. 
Mostly all our audience were willing to watch all our video as they believe they would find it funny and comic. This is a good sign as it shows that the comic aspect of our music video is achieved.
However one individual commented that they would not watch the extract, as it is not a song our genre of We calculated the mean score of the ratings of our overall ideas. The score we gained was 7.5. We believe this is a good score however we shall try and improve our ideas to achieve an even higher score by taking into consideration the suggestions made by our fellow classmates.

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