Monday 10 October 2011

Michael Jackson Analysis Essay...

Michael Jackson – Thriller

I have chosen to analyze the music video of Thriller, by Michael Jackson. Throughout this analysis I will mention the Costume, Make-up, Location, Lighting, Atmosphere, Sound and also other details I feel relevant. I will be using Andrew Goodwin’s analysis theory to help me. (Andrew Goodwin’s writing in “Dancing in this distraction factory” Routledge 1992) Michael Jackson's Thriller is a 14-minute music video for the song of the same name released on December 2, 1983 and directed by John Landis, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Jackson.

Michael Jackson is known for his funny fashion within his music videos. In Thriller, he once again lives up to his expectations. Costume is important to this music video, as if they were wearing everyday clothing then this video would make no sense and the audience would not be very interested. By using the costumes they do, they make it look as though they are in the 1950’s, it also engages the audience and make them want to watch the video as well as listen to the song. Michael Jackson, being the main singer, needs to stand out and be seen in his video, saying that there is no way he could be missed. He is dressed in a bright orange suit. Therefore being in a Graveyard full of dull, dark, black and white zombies, he is going to stand out a lot. Another reason for the video being so successful is the costumes and make up of the zombies. To pass as a zombie you not only need to act like one but look the part to. If you don’t look like a zombie then it ruins the whole atmosphere. Therefore costume and make up are essential to be successful.

By using the location as a movie theatre itself and having the music video starting off as a movie, makes the film seem more interesting and makes the audience feel a part of the action. So from the very beginning the audiences are engaged. The main location for this video is the graveyard.  By using the graveyard, it automatically creates a mysterious atmosphere and engages the audience even more. Here we can immediately see that this is a horror film as the location in isolated and there is no one around to hear him or her scream. The graveyard and the zombies heighten the fear and mysterious atmosphere grows and makes the audience feel as though they are there. Personally it made me shiver. Which is perfect as one of the lines, the lyrics are ‘your body starts to shiver’ which is true. Once again engaging the audience.

The use of lighting with the smoke in the graveyard heightens the mystery in the video. In the graveyard scene, the lighting isn’t directed at the dancers or Michael Jackson. This makes them more mysterious and adds to the atmosphere of the movie. Walking down the street, its dark and mysterious, which is another convention of horror films, the music then starts and Michael is singing in the dark, which makes him more mysterious. Then as they enter the graveyard, the smoke comes in to create dramatic effect. In the main dance scene the zombies start appearing everywhere; the smoke draws over the screen, adding to the dramatic effect.
During the music video there is a deep voice over the top of the music with Michael singing in the background, this is the voice of Vincent Price. By using his voice it makes the words he saying even scarier as he says it in a creepy way. This is called non-digetic sound, as you cannot see the Price saying these words. Dramatic sound when Michael is a zombie as well. The camera zooms out to see the zombies dancing, with Michael Jackson in his bright orange suit, contrasting with the zombie’s dark, ripped clothing. By doing this it makes Michael stand out more, as he is the singer. There is a low angled shot of a woman with a flower on her head. This creates contrast as zombies are dead and the flower symbolizes life. Girl runs into the darkness, into a dark, mysterious building. Music is really quiet and you can hear all the noises of the zombies and every sound is heightened. The crashes, the screams of the girl, the smashing through the doors and windows. Zombies gather around the girl, they’re closing in on her and they are in the darkness so you can’t see any of their faces, this creates dramatic effect yet again. Extreme close up on her eyes, wide with fear. Zombie Michael comes into the light and we see his dead face. Girl screams and Michael reaches for her then all of a sudden, Michael is fine and looking down at the girl, in the living room of a house. She is confused and scared, but soon realizes that she was dreaming.

To conclude, Thriller uses all the techniques within the music video to create the perfect dramatic effect. Engaging the audience and keeping there full attention the whole way through, not only through their music but through their visual out look as well. Personally I feel that this music video is fantastic and has all the elements needed. It made me want to watch it over and over again. It gave me shivers and scared me a little, which in my opinion I think is a good thing as you are making the audience feel like there really there.

Sasha Thompson

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