Friday 21 October 2011

Meeting 6

We designed a questionnaire, which we would give to our classmates a chance to give an insight and evaluate our Pitch and that therefore helps us when looking back at our ideas for our music video. On which was stated things along the line of: what do you think of our ideas, what would you change, rate our ideas out of ten and other such questions which would allow us to gain an insight into the true nature of our video, whether it would have a good and successful comic effect and if the context of the video is appealing to our target audience.

We also applied our ideas to a timeline, producing a step by step guide for when it comes to filming our music video. This timeline was put in sections that broke down the verses and chorus' allowing us to view our ideas together as a whole. Therefore letting us see whether their was anything out of place or anything we had missed out. 

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