Monday 3 October 2011

Meeting 3

This weeks meeting involved finalising our song choice. After coming together once again, we all went through each others ideas for both 'Famous' and "Mr Blue Sky' and we discovered that everyone had a higher quality of ideas for Famous, which is our reason for selecting this song as our chosen music video. We then discussed our ideas in more depth, which helped to create an image in the groups mind of our final product.

After deciding our song choice, we thought of advertisement ideas. We decided that we are going to create an album cover for Famous, in which we would picture a pair of funky sunglasses of a bright and vibrant nature accompanied by the black and white background of the singer. The singer will be wearing the glasses, which will have "FAM" on one lens and "OUS" on the other. These glasses will be the only thing in colour, whereas the rest of the image will be in black and white. The shot will be a close up of the singers face. 

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