Friday 14 October 2011

Analysis of Questionnaire

The questionnaire Smartiepants Productions presented to the class consisted of 7 questions.
1. What do you think about our ideas?
2. What idea did you like the best?
3. What would you change?
4. What genre do think this falls under?
5. What do you think our target audience is?
6. Would you sit and watch the whole video? Why?
7. Rate our overall idea as a whole (1=Lowest 10=Highest)

For the first question, many people believed that we have many good ideas and we have embedded the genre conventions of comedy and pop effectively. However some individuals suggested that 'less is more' and our video can be just as effective without too complicated and intricate ideas.

Many people liked the whole 'Dream Sequence' idea and the fact that we were including Audrey Hepburn, Bette Davis and James Dean look alikes. A few also liked the popcorn idea with the man sitting at home throwing popcorn everywhere in his living room; consequently making popcorn angels rather that snow angels. Some of the audience were also happy with the auditions aspect of our music video, and also how we are going to combine different elements of costumes within the extract. Our logo of pants made of Smartie sweets was greatly approved as well as the technique of stop motion. 

A suggestion was made stating that the popcorn idea as may appear to be too cheesy. Another individual suggested that the TOWIE idea is too stereotypical and common. One person commented that the dream sequence may be to challenging to achieve effectively. Another technique that is said to be difficult is the split screen at the beginning of our video as it is tricky to achieve and audience tend to find it annoying (However, we have already decided to get rid of the split screens as although it is a good idea, it is an unnecessary aspect of our video and ultimately has no real relevance to the song, along with the fact that, like this, the audience would find it to be an annoying feature and so are scrapping it altogether). Another way to improve our video is not to use the black and white technique according to an individual, as this does not necessarily fall under the pop genre category.

Everyone in our audience believed our music video of 'Famous' by Scouting for Girls fall under the genre of Pop. This is a good sign as it suggest that our ideas and techniques incorporate the conventions of the pop genre and it is apparent to the audience what the genre of the extract is.

The audience also managed to estimate our demographic of being teenagers which is what we set out to achieve. Ages ranged from 13 years old to 17 years old.  

Mostly all our audience were willing to watch all our video as they believe they would find it funny and comic. This is a good sign as it shows that the comic aspect of our music video is achieved. However one individual commented that they would not watch the extract, as it is not a song our genre of music they would listen to.

We calculated the mean score of the ratings of our overall ideas. The score we gained was 7.5. We believe this is a good score however we shall try and improve our ideas to achieve an even higher score by taking into consideration the suggestions made by our fellow classmates.

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